Patrick Edelen

code, ideas, and more...

// Who?

hi there, I'm Patrick. Nice to meet you! I'm a junior at the university of texas at Austin studying whatever currently interests me, but mostly programing. I'm super passionate about leadership and help run longhorn entrepreneurship agency, the hub for student startups on campus. I also love building stuff and spend most of my free time at capital factory working at Read on to learn more about me!

// Jobs

Growth Engineer -

Oct 2017 to Present is a startup located in Austin, TX that sells one game per day at an incredible price by working directly with publishers and developers. I developed some tools for our bizdev team to simplify the challenge of finding influencers for games, and am currently focused on our data mining efforts, specifically around better understanding game sentiment.

Software Engineering Intern -

Jun, Jul, Aug 2018

If you know CRMs, then you know Salesforce! Located in San Francisco, Salesforce has a ton of services to help every part of your company. I worked on the Salesforce Application Model team and investigated the move to public cloud using Kubernetes and the Google Cloud Platform and learned a ton about how highly available servies are orchestrated.

Software Engineering Intern -

Jun, Jul, Aug 2017

HomeAway is the largest vacation rental platform on earth and powers tons of brands like VRBO,, and more. My project was focused on reducing load time on our Property Detail Pages using AMP-HTML and I got to experiment with how to quickly render so many different pages when a coustomer views them.

Web Development Intern - Glupal Web Design

Mar 2017 to Oct 2017

Located in Austin, TX, Glupal Web Design specalized in Wordpress and SEO. I worked with another UT student to develop an app that processed satisfaction and feedback surveys filled out by assisted living facilities residents. We then used D3.js and meteor to responsively plot the data.

// Projects & Programs

Founders Series Executive Lead - Longhorn entrepreneurship agency

fall 2017 to present

Leading the Founders Series for LEA is something I've wanted to do ever since I was in Freshmen Founders myself. I think this org does a great job of spreading the good word of entrepreneurship and I'm excited to see what the year has in store.

Vice Chair - IEEE UT Austin Branch

fall 2017 to present

IEEE has been a great family for me since my arrival at UT, and this year I get to help lead the team! Our club is the premier professional development org for ECEs at UT and we specalize in getting companies to come talk to students.

Lead Developer - Calla.Care

fall 2017 to present

Everyone has those projects they just can't let go of, and for me, that has been I worked with a friend to develop an Alexa skill for nursing home residents to use, and an accompaning dashboard app to see what they need.

// Extras

I'm pretty decent at ES2018 and love promises
Check out my github and devpost for more semi-working projects
Here's my personal calendar link if you're trying to schedule time with me

// Contact

I can be reached at me(at) or on linkedin. Thanks for visiting :)